Israelism: "When two young American Jews raised to unconditionally love Israel witness the brutal way Israel treats Palestinians, their lives take sharp left turns. ISRAELISM uniquely explores how Jewish attitudes towards Israel are changing dramatically, with massive consequences for the region and for Judaism itself."
POTLUCK Starts at 5:30 followed by PRESENTATION at 7:00 This is a hybrid meeting. To join on zoom contact: Maggie Fogarty for the link.
Where Olive Trees Weep: "The filmmakers journeyed to the occupied West Bank in 2022. Background to the current crisis is given as the film examines the lives of people they met. The Palestinians share their universally human stories of intergenerational pain, trauma and resilience."
A Just Vision series of online conversations providing crucial context for events unfolding in Israel-Palestine. Free
With Drs. Seema Jilani and Arham Ali
Monthly Book Reading group.
EVERY WEDNESDAY from the Palestine Film Institute, Film of the week online on Wednesdays at 5PM
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